Custom Blending
Draco Services
Custom Blending Services

Draco uses heavy duty high capacity blending machines that can handle large batches.
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We can dry blend your ingredient powders!
We at Draco are pleased to announce our custom dry blending services. We now have the capability of performing dry blending of powders, in addition to our existing range of custom ingredient and formulation services.
This gives customers a lot of options. Customers can order from over 700 different botanical extracts in a range of potency configurations and have the extract powders dry blended at Draco for their convenience. Alternatively, customers can ship ingredients to Draco’s blending facility in San Jose, CA to be combined together/or with Draco ingredients. All blending takes place in state-of-the-art stainless steel blending equipment in a temperature and humidity controlled clean room environment.
While custom dry blending services at Draco are a recent addition, the company has been offering custom formulation services for the last 15 years. Distinct from custom dry blending, Draco’s custom Action Synergized™ Formulation services entail blending of the raw herbal material prior to extraction, then extracting in pure water using Draco’s proprietary Full Spectrum Standardized™ herbal extraction technology. The resulting formula, called an Action Synergized Formula™ contains a full spectrum of the plant constituents from each of the formulation components, and each microparticle of powder is homogenous. This is the preferred method of formula preparation when the customer orders the finished formula with all its component herbs from Draco.
For instances where finished ingredient components arrive from multiple sources, Custom Dry Blending is the preferred route.
Draco’s ingredient products are sold worldwide into markets for dietary supplements; functional foods and beverages; and Cosmeceutical and Personal Care products. All extracts are produced in an ISO9001:2008 and GMP certified facility, are Kosher certified and can be organic certified to either NOP or EU standards. All extracts undergo rigorous in-house analytical testing and are certified to meet customer specifications.